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December Horoscopes inspired by David. R Harper: Zodiac

6 years ago

Inspired by David. R Harper: Zodiac, a spectacular twelve-part installation on display until January 6, we invited author and astrologer Liz Worth to reveal what the stars hold in store for you this December. Check your horoscope below, paired with its zodiac installation, to see where you can focus your energy this month and in the coming year. Then visit the Museum to experience these stunning works in person as you make your way through the galleries in search of your sign.

by Liz Worth

The month of December might not be off to the smoothest start: Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde until Thursday December 6. But don’t panic. If you’ve been saddled with mixed messages, delays, or unexpected changes in your plans, trust that it’s all happening for a reason.

Sometimes, we get caught up in Mercury retrograde snafus because it’s the universe’s way of reminding us to slow down, be patient, and stay present. Once Mercury picks up speed again, December can become a potent time to check in with yourself amidst any holiday plans or end-of-year pressure.

Aries by David R. Harper

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Where are you feeling boxed in, Aries? The astrology of December is asking you to re-evaluate any commitments that are no longer working for you. There is an invitation to re-envision your schedule in the New Year. That means that December is a time to wrap up any stale or outdated commitments that no longer suit your energy or ambitions.

Inspiration to watch for: Writing can be a powerful place for you to put your energy into now and throughout 2019. Especially if it helps you tap into old memories, dreams, or other personal places.

Intentions to set for 2019: New doors are opening for you spiritually and creatively throughout the next year, so you’ll want to put some time aside to explore a new hobby, or to re-commit to a lifelong passion. You can find great satisfaction through learning, reading, and travelling in the year to come, so think about the ways that you would like to fuel your curiosity and feed your mind. Check out local workshops, create a stellar list of books you’d like to read, or set aside some time to explore new neighbourhoods—or new horizons altogether.

Taurus by David R. Harper

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

They say the body is a temple, Taurus. What kind of care and attention do you want to give yourself right now? The astrology of December is asking you to focus specifically on comfort: What will help you feel more at ease—more at home—within your body? Keep the solutions simple, especially if you’ve been wound up in complicated routines, or find yourself rushing through the day without much pause for nourishment, rest, and reflection.

Inspiration to watch for: Your earthy energy gravitates towards the natural world. Learn to make your own herbal teas and tinctures, or simply allow yourself to get back to nature. Even if you’re in the city, you can find ways to explore the local flora and fauna that surrounds you.

Intentions to set for 2019: “Simple and straightforward” is your theme for the New Year. The more space you make for your own comfort and self-care, the more you will become aware of unnecessary commitments that are getting in your way. You don’t need to do everything yourself, Taurus, and the universe is helping you to find the trust and support you deserve.

Gemini by David R. Harper

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

What’s shifting within your social circle, Gemini? There is an “out with the old, in the new” energy around you this month, as though a cosmic broom is sweeping away any debris that has accumulated within your friendships, networks, or communities this year. Review your social media accounts and see if you are holding onto old acquaintances or friends you’ve outgrown. December also offers you an opportunity to hit the reset button on any relationships that felt a bit frayed this year. Time management, reliability, and mixed messages have plagued many Gemini bonds in 2018. Clear the air and move forward with those who mean the most to you.

Inspiration to watch for: The muse is waiting for you in art galleries and museums, Gemini. Why not set aside some time to sit in a beautiful gallery with a notebook and jot down whatever comes to you? Or, bring a friend along and share the day together.

Intentions to set for 2019: The universe invites you to focus on friendships and love throughout the year to come. Think about what you would like to experience in your relationships, and how you can foster deep, genuine connections.

Cancer by David R Harper

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

People are looking to you for answers, Cancer. You have an added measure of wisdom to your words this month, so don’t be surprised if those around you are leaning on you a little more than usual. That being said, it doesn’t mean you have to bend over backwards to honour every favour you’re asked. On the contrary, the astrology of December is a great big permission slip to review your boundaries and practice tough love wherever you feel it’s necessary. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone is encourage them to figure things out for themselves.

Inspiration to watch for: Meditations that help you recharge and reflect can be key for you to stay on track this month, Cancer. Anything that allows you to wind down and mentally escape will be key for you in December.

Intentions to set for 2019: Much of 2018 may have felt like it was pulling you from one thing to the next, with little time to catch up with yourself. But 2019 can be a turning point, a time where you make a new commitment to your personal priorities and get back to what matters most to you.

Leo by David R. Harper

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If you don’t feel like you are in your element already, Leo, sit tight: These next twelve months are going to have you fired up in all kinds of ways. The universe is gifting you with fresh charisma and it’s time to put it to use. The astrology of December is asking you to think about what you would like to create for yourself next. What might that be, you’re wondering? For you, Leo, the sky is the limit. It can be an artistic vision, a bold new life path, a recharged love life.

Inspiration to watch for: You can be a creative powerhouse this month if you put your mind to it, Leo. Brainstorming sessions, vision boarding, and bullet-journaling can all help you tap your potential and keep your plans on track.

Intentions to set for 2019: Blaze a new trail, Leo. If you ran into any obstacles in 2018 that held you back, trust that nothing is standing in your way now. It’s time for you to think about what you hope can be bigger and better than ever before—and then go out and make it happen.

Virgo by David R. Harper

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

December begins with a nostalgic tone for you, Virgo. Pay attention to the memories that surface for you early on in the month. They are invitations for you to reflect on how you have grown throughout the last year. What has changed? What have you said goodbye to? What did you put on hold that you can now return to? There is something gentle and tender about the last month of 2018. December invites you to unwind and appreciate the moment that you’re in. In other words: Relax. You’ve earned it.

Inspiration to watch for: Anything that supports your personal growth can light you up right now, Virgo. Motivational workshops, journaling, or checking in with a coach for some added support can give you the boost you need.

Intentions to set for 2019: Your home can be a big focus for you in the new year, Virgo, especially if you are looking to create more sacred space for yourself. Think: A cozy meditation corner, or a book nook where you can curl up and read on a rainy day. No matter what your vision is, this is the time to put your heart into your home.

Libra by David R. Harper

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The universe gave you a gift earlier in the fall season. It came in the form of truth, honesty, and boundaries—all things that will help you get to the core of your life’s path in the year ahead. Now, December asks you to think about what you have learned recently, and what it means for you moving forward. The fall season may have brought some ups and downs, Libra, but now you’re all set to get back into your groove. You are early on into a new, personal journey that will give you all the inspiration and know-how to open new doors for yourself.

Inspiration to watch for: Find comfort and healing through personal acts of creation, Libra, especially if they speak to your inner child. Think about things like colouring books and crafts.

Intentions to set for 2019: Libra, you are known for your people-pleasing abilities. But sometimes, it leads you to a lot of indecision as you get so focused on other people that you lose touch with yourself. This year, you have the chance to see what you can gain when you give as much attention to your own dreams as you do for others.

Scorpio by David R. Harper

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Something is brewing behind the scenes for you, Scorpio. If you feel like you are on the cusp of a breakthrough, you’re not wrong. December is an important time for you to pay attention to any news, omens, and hits of inspiration that come your way. The universe is trying to give you hints towards your next big idea, or your next major career move, that can reveal itself in 2019. Just be careful not to become distracted by your relationships through it all. Love and family drama can stir the pot this month, but there’s more smoke than fire. Be careful not to jump to conclusions within your inner circle right now.

Inspiration to watch for: Seek out old, obscure books and underground heroes from previous eras. Look for the rebels and rule-breakers to light your path. What you glean from the past can inspire your future.

Intentions to set for 2019: Are you in the position you want to be, Scorpio? Something is inviting you to level up in the new year. There is an opportunity to gain greater respect personally and professionally, but it starts with your ability to recognize your own value and visions.

Sagittarius by David R. Harper

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This can be your year, Sagittarius. Jupiter, your ruler, came home to your sign in early November. This means you are in your element, working to your strengths and potentials throughout the year to come. The last few years may not have been easy, but they’ve taught you a lot. Now, December offers you a time to become the architect of your imagination. It is a time to get back to big plans and blue sky visions, but with practical, down-to-earth steps to back it up—and the patience it requires. Draw yourself a new map and get going. You have a lot to look forward to.

Inspiration to watch for: Raw, experimental, or innovative art can open your mind to new horizons this month, Sag. And don’t be surprised if you feel like experimenting with some creations yourself. Push your own creative boundaries, even if it’s just for fun.

Intentions to set for 2019: Practice kindness. You know what it’s like to put your foot in your mouth, so go easy on others who speak before they think this year. Set the intention in 2019 to embrace your past experiences for all the knowledge and compassion they have given you.

Capricorn by David R. Harper

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You are redefining yourself, Capricorn. Even though you may be making changes outwardly in terms of how you’re working, where you’re living, or what you’re aiming for, the reality is that much of the transformation taking place is coming from within. What plotline will you write for yourself next? The astrology of December invites you to think about your life as a blank page where anything is possible. You are turning a new page in your life. As you do that, you are starting to see that you can become a whole new character in the story you are living.

Inspiration to watch for: Think about revisiting the books or films you loved as a child, or flirting with vintage fashion. While your intentions ask you to be forward-focused, the muse is giving you permission to find inspiration in the classics.

Intentions to set for 2019: Don’t go back to the same old same old, Capricorn. Beware of looking to the past with rose-coloured glasses. Trust that you’ve done all you could with your past experiences. Take what you’ve learned from it all and decide to keep moving forward.

Aquarius by David R. Harper

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Get ready for things to move for you, Aquarius. If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for your big moment to strike, it’s coming—with a little help from your friends. People want to support you. You are never short of brilliant ideas, but you also tend to be a step or two ahead of the times. The astrology of December is encouraging you to open up about your worries, fears, successes, and goals. Give them over to your friends and supporters and open up to the advice and ideas that others have for you.  Watch how your mind and heart flourish when you allow your vulnerability to come through.

Inspiration to watch for: Pay attention to your dreams, Aquarius. They can become rich sources of inspiration throughout the month, and may even hold important messages. Keep a dream journal if it helps.

Intentions to set for 2019: Focus on building your community. If you can, open your home more often to friends or collaborators in the new year. Or, find a place where you can regularly facilitate a gathering. Become a hub for sharing and connecting in any way that works for you.

Pisces by David R. Harper

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

What are you doing to nurture yourself this month, Pisces? Self-care is that the top of the agenda for you this month, which makes sense. You are a sponge for energy, and December can be a busy, hectic time. You know what’s best for you, though others around you may not. It will be extra important for you to protect your downtime as there is a window of opportunity for to work through an old emotional wound you’ve been nursing for some time. Those close to you may not always understand why you need to withdraw from time to time. Don’t let it get to you. Put your healing first.

Inspiration to watch for: Memoirs, biopics, and published diaries can light you up this month. You are drawn to real-life stories that help you see the beauty of your own life, and that may even inspire you to capture your own history through memoir-writing or journaling.

Intentions to set for 2019: Let people see another side of you this year. There is a new aspect to your personality that is ready to be revealed. This is a year where you can make bold impressions and leave a lasting impact.

About the author

Liz Worth is a Toronto-based astrologer, tarot reader, and author. She uses tarot and astrology to help people find clarity, guidance, and purpose. Liz is also the author of seven books, including Going Beyond the Little White Book: A Contemporary Guide to Tarot, and her horoscopes have appeared in Flare Magazine and Spiral Nature. She has delivered workshops and lectures on astrology and tarot in Toronto, Montreal, New York City, Portland, and more. You can reach her at lizworth.com.

About the exhibition

Toronto-born artist David R. Harper presents a museum-wide installation inspired by the twelve signs of the zodiac. This original work was commissioned as part of New + Now, an annual celebration of emerging artists and contemporary ceramics, nationally and internationally. Learn more


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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.