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Quick Fire: 5 Questions with artist collective Madeleine Co.

7 years ago

Artist collective Madeleine Co., one of our six Community Arts Space partners, discusses the significance of making space for art making, the potential of art for social change, and what happens when art disappears.

Why is it important for public spaces to make room for “art making”?

Art must be accessible to the public in order to change the public. Presenting our work in a cultural institution allows us to be part of the larger conversation about the role of art in our city.

How can art bring a community together?

Art can present new perspectives on everyday issues, resulting in reflection and dialogue between community members.

Describe the intended impact of your project in one sentence.

Works for Change playfully invites audiences to get intimately acquainted with artists making work that can change our world.

How do art and change intersect?

Art can ask the questions that help spark change. In order to do so, it needs to be unpredictable, provocative, and accessible.

Without art ____ (finish this sentence)

There is no hope.

MADELEINE CO. is one of this year’s Community Arts Space: Art is Change partners. Visit our exhibition hall from July 4 to 13 to see their Works for Change exhibition, and check their full schedule of programming here. All free with registration!

Photos courtesy Dainesha Nugent-Palache

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The Gardiner Museum will close at 6 pm on Wednesday May 22 for the International Ceramic Art Fair Preview Gala.