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Gerri Orwin

Gerri Orwin is a Torontonian living in Cabbagetown. In 2000, she ended her decades long career in Advertising as a Toronto, and New York Producer in the fields of Music, Film, Video and Special Effects Productions. Upon retiring, having always been interested in Archeology, she discovered an interest in Clay. She was drawn specifically to the hand-building techniques employed by ancient Artisans.

Gerri’s work is comprised mostly in Themes, celebrating Nature’s Flora and Fauna. Each piece is One of a Kind, Hand-Built by Slab and Coil, and Hand-Brush Decorated. Her favourite shape is the Oval in all its wonderful contortions. Her favourite form is the Vessel, with its energy-containing space. Her work ranges from 4 inches to 4 feet in height. Her Raku technique has been published internationally in Lark Publishing’s 500 Series. Her latest learning curve involved recent winter courses, studying the Brush Stroke Techniques of the Modern Masters (1800’s to present day). Those techniques are beginning to appear on her latest pieces.

Gerri Orwin: Carnation Sculpture

Gerri Orwin: Carnation Sculpture

$55.00 $49.50 (Gardiner Friends)
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