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Jocelyn Jenkins: Undersea Cup




Gardiner Friends


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Jocelyn Jenkins presents her undersea collection. She makes each form by hand building and wheel throwing.  Afterwards, she carves intricate decoration onto the surface.  This technique is called sgraffito.  Applying multiple layers of underglaze and tinted transparent glazes the colours and decorations are intensified.  Here, the imagery captures the narrative of sea life and its environment.

Please note: There are two cups available: the puffin or seal.  To specify your mug selection please write this in the field Order Notes upon check-out.  We will let you know of availability.

Care & Use: Functional ware is food and dishwasher safe using gentle detergent.  However special care is recommended for pieces with sculptural attachments to avoid breakage.

Material: Cone 6 porcelain

Measurement (in.): D3.25 x H3.5

Weight (lb.): 1+

SKU: 552010

About The Artist

Jocelyn Jenkins

Jocelyn Jenkins studied Mechanical Engineering and received a Diploma and Masters in International Development. After returning from working in Nepal with UNICEF she found herself towards working with clay and began making her living as a ceramicist. Presently she divides her time by working on her own projects while running a studio facility teaching adults and children community programs. Sgraffito is the preferred surface decoration technique for Jocelyn Jenkins. She says, "It allows me to pluck images from my daily life and to move back and forth across the blurry line that divides pure decoration from narration. I hand build as well throw work in order to have more control over the forms which I can carve into.  The interplay between the form, and the sgraffito decoration is the most satisfying part of the making process. It also has a pronounced impact on the nature of the completed work, as the narrative is interpreted by the user."

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